A Westlake Village Wrongful Termination Lawyer Who Is On Your Side
Being wrongfully terminated from your job is a devastating blow to your finances and your mental well-being. For many people, a job is more than just something they do to earn a paycheck. It can also provide a sense of dignity, pride and accomplishment. Your job may be part of a long career in your chosen field. Wrongful termination changes all of that.
At JDN Law, attorney Jeff Neiderman founded this law office to help people facing employment law challenges, including wrongful termination. With more than 25 years of experience, Mr. Neiderman has the knowledge necessary to protect your rights in California employment law cases. Based in Westlake Village, the firm represents people in the Central Valley, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, and throughout the state. Please contact the firm today to get answers to your wrongful termination questions.
Were You Let Go Illegally?
California is an at-will employment state, but there are still rules that must be followed if you receive a pink slip or other notice of termination. There are many circumstances under which termination is unlawful, including:
- Discrimination in the workplace: You are fired or laid off because of your inclusion in a protected class such as race, sex, gender, disability, age, pregnancy, religion and others.
- Hostile work environment: You are terminated because you reported severe harassment that interfered with your ability to do your job.
- Workers’ compensation: You participated in a workers’ compensation case for yourself or another employee.
- Family and Medical Leave Act: You used FMLA time to care for yourself or a qualified family member.
- Whistleblowing: You reported illegal activities or an unsafe work environment.
- Retaliatory actions: Your employer fired you because of your participation in any of the above situations.
- Military leave: Your employer did not reinstate you to your former job and benefits after completing military duty.
In addition, termination can be illegal if it violates your employment contract.
Constructive Termination
Did you resign from your job because the working environment was so bad that you could no longer do your job? In some situations, this is an example of constructive termination or constructive discharge, which means that the law does not consider it a voluntary action on your part. Instead, your attorney would argue that you were wrongfully terminated. This is a complex area of employment law that requires an experienced employment law attorney’s help.
You Have Rights As A Worker; Don’t Let Your Employer Take Them Away.
JDN Law understands the difficulties you face after being terminated. The firm will be your assertive ally in the fight to get your job back or recover compensation. Please contact the firm online or call 818-855-7151 to set up an appointment. The firm provides representation in Westlake Village, the Central Valley, Los Angeles County, and Ventura County.