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Stand Up To Unfair Treatment With A Workplace Discrimination Attorney In Westlake Village

Workplace discrimination is a widespread problem that affects many workers in California and across the country. It can take many forms, from subtle biases to overt discrimination, and can be based on characteristics like age, gender, sex, disability, race or color. This unfair treatment can hurt your career, well-being and self-worth. If you’ve experienced discrimination at work, a skilled workplace discrimination attorney can be a powerful advocate for you.

With over 25 years of experience, Jeff Neiderman, founder of JDN Law, has been a fierce advocate for workers’ rights in California. From his office in Westlake Village, he uses his deep understanding of anti-discrimination and employment law to guide clients through the complex legal process of protecting their rights and interests.

What Is Discrimination?

Discrimination in the workplace is a harmful and unjust practice that affects far too many employees. It occurs when an employer, supervisor or co-worker treats you unfairly or unjustly because of your race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or national origin. This unfair treatment can manifest in various ways, from unequal pay and promotion practices to exclusion from important projects or meetings. All forms of discrimination violate your rights and can create a hostile work environment, hindering your professional growth and job satisfaction.

Several types of discrimination can occur in the workplace. These include:

  • Direct discrimination: This happens when an employer or co-worker intentionally treats you unjustly because of your characteristics.
  • Indirect discrimination: This occurs when a policy or practice seems fair but hurts people because of their race, gender or age. For example, a company’s late-night work requirement might seem fair. However, it could disproportionately affect parents, especially women who are often primary caregivers, making it harder for them to keep their jobs or advance.
  • Harassment: This involves unwanted behavior or comments that create a hostile or intimidating work environment. Sexual harassment or racial slurs are examples of this type of discrimination.
  • Retaliation: This happens when an employer takes adverse action against an employee who has reported discrimination or participated in an investigation. For instance, an employer might demote an employee who filed a complaint for discrimination based on gender.

If you are facing workplace discrimination in LA, it is crucial to document incidents and consult a reliable employment discrimination lawyer. They can help you understand your rights and guide you through the complex process of filing a discrimination claim.

Partner With A Trusted Workplace Discrimination Attorney In California

Do not let unfair treatment at your workplace silence your voice or hinder your career. If you are experiencing discrimination based on being in a protected class, it is your right to take action. Reach out to JDN Law and schedule a consultation today by calling 818-855-7151 or filling out the firm’s online form. Serving communities in the Central Valley, Westlake Village, Los Angeles County, and Ventura County for over two decades, JDN Law can help you unravel the complex process of filing a discrimination claim.